Our creative community has lost a number of amazingly talented individuals to mental health issues in the recent months. It’s time we stop accepting the image of the suffering creative and make change happen.

Independent youth community radio station, Edge Radio 99.3FM in partnership with peak industry body Music Tasmania have put forward the initiative ‘Creatively Mental’ to raise awareness of mental health with the local creative community. Our aim is to start discussions with the creative sector in Tasmania and raise awareness about mental health and the support creative’s can seek within their own community.

“If we tackle mental health issues head on throughout our local community, with the ideas and support, that suites our sector we can not only strengthen creative sector, but the community at large,” said Edge Radio Volunteer and Creatively Mental spokesperson Honni Mooy-Cox.

The campaign will run from mid-October until early November. With a lot of interest having been gained already we expect many mental health support services and arts organisations to join the campaign with official announcements to be raised soon.

Edge Radio will also be broadcasting a number of different community service announcements throughout the month coupled with a social media campaign.

“It’s time to let the creative’s know that there is a wealth of support for them, not just from various services, but from those who have been there before, those who have felt the same pressures and life’s lows,” said Honni Mooy-Cox.

PLEASE NOTE: There is no charity attached to this campaign. This is an awareness campaign, not a call for donations to Edge Radio or any other not-for-profit organisation.
Please be aware that we are updating the campaign quite often so it’s a good idea to check back to confirm details.


ALL AGES GIG – Free Entry – October 14th @ 5:45pm

The Odeon
167 Liverpool St,
​Hobart TAS 7000

Lasca Dry and band
No Felix
Art School Bullies (acoustic) 
Radio Silence

Mental health is a huge issue in today’s society. While the problem is more visible than ever before, there’s perhaps too much of a “one size fits all” approach to the many different communities that make up our amazing state. We think it’s time for the creative sector to come together, to look after one another, and examine ways to better support creatives. If we tackle mental health issues head-on throughout our local community, with ideas and support that suits our sector, we can not only strengthen the creative sector, but also the community at large.

This is the opening event of Creatively Mental, supporting mental health in the Tasmanian creative arts community.

Proudly supported by; Edge Radio, Music Tasmania, The Odeon Theatre and Hobart Beverage Co.

This is an alcohol free event. 
Sadly we do not have wheelchair accessibility for this event.https://www.weebly.com/weebly/apps/generateMap.php?map=google&elementid=107929048988390839&ineditor=0&control=3&width=auto&height=250px&overviewmap=0&scalecontrol=0&typecontrol=0&zoom=15&long=147.32469479999997&lat=-42.8830616&domain=www&point=1&align=1&reseller=true

Head Talk – Free Entry – October 19th @ 7pm

Dechaineux Lecture Theater
41 Hunter Street
​Hobart TAS 7000

This is a Q&A style event running as part of the Creatively Mental initiative.


Tracy Margieson from Melbourne’s Arts Wellbeing Collective https://www.artswellbeingcollective.com.au/

Sara Cooper from Cooper Screen Academy


Moderated by Rachel Edwards.

Mental health is a huge issue in today’s society. While the problem is more visible than ever before, there’s perhaps too much of a “one size fits all” approach to the many different communities that make up our amazing state. We think it’s time for the creative sector to come together, to look after one another, and examine ways to better support creatives. If we tackle mental health issues head-on throughout our local community, with ideas and support that suits our sector, we can not only strengthen the creative sector, but also the community at large.

18+ Concert – FREE ENTRY – October 20th @ 8pm

The Brisbane Hotel
3 Brisbane Street,
​Hobart TAS 7000


A. Swayze and the Ghosts
Babylon Howl
August Wolfbiter

Mental health is a huge issue in today’s society. While the problem is more visible than ever before, there’s perhaps too much of a “one size fits all” approach to the many different communities that make up our amazing state. We think it’s time for the creative sector to come together, to look after one another, and examine ways to better support creatives. If we tackle mental health issues head-on throughout our local community, with ideas and support that suits our sector, we can not only strengthen the creative sector, but also the community at large.https://www.weebly.com/weebly/apps/generateMap.php?map=google&elementid=704670369769239982&ineditor=0&control=3&width=auto&height=250px&overviewmap=0&scalecontrol=0&typecontrol=0&zoom=15&long=147.32629069999996&lat=-42.87709479999999&domain=www&point=1&align=1&reseller=true

Mental Health Panel  – FREE ENTRY – November 9th @ 7pm

Moonah Arts Centre​
23-27 Albert Rd,
Moonah TAS 7009

The Q&A style panel will include both mental health professionals and members of the creative community. The panel will be a deep dive discussion about tackling the mental health issues that the creative sector is facing.​https://www.weebly.com/weebly/apps/generateMap.php?map=google&elementid=355736934634046405&ineditor=0&control=3&width=auto&height=250px&overviewmap=0&scalecontrol=0&typecontrol=0&zoom=15&long=147.29514330000006&lat=-42.8482672&domain=www&point=1&align=1&reseller=true





For further details, interviews or ideas about how you can get involved please contact:

Creatively Mental Spokesperson: Honni Mooy-Cox
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 04 00 612 501