"...The Way On Is The Way Off is everything The Native Cats hoped it could be when its completion seemed impossible, and everything they have been working towards since the day they began."
"Gothic music has always involved a certain amount of morbid fascination, drama and romanticism."
“It’s kind of just a natural way of writing for me; if it doesn't feel like honest to me, then I don't really connect with the song and then I don't really see the point of it.”
"...a stirring brand of rock that merges heartfelt ballads, raucous energy, thrashing guitars and a socially progressive punk spirit."
"...each song acts as a prayer or ritual on certain fires, speaking to desire, fear, love, death, time, mysteries."
"Battle-tested. Road-hardened. Still standing. And ready to begin again."
Jizz pup-ponk.
"Chadwick is a gifted and singular songwriter, uniquely attuned to the minutiae of human emotion..."
"Those weird, dank corners of the internet are going wild for more Shoe..."
"Whether it was fear of the trademark bogeyman emerging from small-hours infomercial hell or it was just time for a change, but the artist(s) formally known as Thigh Master is now Dippers."