Why Choose Sponsorship?
We’re glad you asked. Over the past 14 years Edge Radio has carved out a unique perspective and sound among the media in Tasmania. We’re focused on enhancing Hobart’s culture through programming that represents the wide interests of our community. Edge Radio prides itself on being one of the only places in Tasmania where you can hear discussions about, LGBTIQ issues, women’s issues, local and national politics, science, pop culture, technology and a whole myriad of things too long to list here. Of course Edge Radio is also about music. No one in the world plays more Tasmanian music than Edge Radio. And on top of that 60% of the music you hear on Edge Radio is original Australian music.

So who Listens to Edge Radio?
In a nutshell, our audience is young, well educated, hardworking, and active members of their community. Here are a few facts and figures from our 2016/17 listener survey…

  • We have roughly an even spit of male and female listeners.
  • 73% of Edge Radio’s audience is under the age of 40.
  • Students make up almost 25% of our audience.
  • 75% listen regularly to 99.3FM and over 50% listen regularly online.
  • 56% of our audience said they checked out an event or service after hearing about it on Edge Radio.
  • Around 63,000 people tune into community radio in Hobart for more than an hour a week.

It’s no Longer Just About FM
While Australian’s still love their FM radio, Edge Radio is fully embracing the future. Our audience like options and we’re happy to give them many ways they can listen. You can listen live online or whenever you like via our on demand streaming service. Best of all your messages will go to all our platforms reaching a diverse listening audience both in Hobart, Australia and the world. 

We’re More Than Just A Radio Station. We’re a Community.

Edge Radio is a not-for-profit community radio station owned and run by the community for the community. As we like to say in the Edge office, we’re just a bunch of creative kids making the kind of radio we’d want hear. When you choose sponsorship with Edge Radio you’re joining a community of young people who know what they like, and our community supports those who support the things they like. By association your sponsorship helps keep Edge Radio doing what it does best and you’ll be seen as super cool for supporting us.

What Kinds of Packages do you Offer?
Edge Radio has various tiers of very competitive sponsorship packages available ranging from rates for local Tasmanian businesses, government, medium to large businesses and corporate entities. All you need to do is get in touch, let us know who you are and what you’re thinking and our sponsorship team will do the rest.